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Friday, 28 June 2013

Ten great reasons NOT to become a writer...

One -   You might start scrabbling up a career ladder and make loads of money instead

Two -   You won't have to write every day

Three - You might not become a lunatic (no guarantees)

Four -   You might become less intense a person, less anal, less OCD (again, no guarantees)

Five -   You won't approach every personal trauma with: "this'll make a cracking plot"

Six -     You might not stow away conversations in a notebook or get kicked under the table by your partner for staring at people in pubs

Seven - You could have a great looking garden, and hobbies, even

EightYou'll save loads of money on ink and paper, notebooks and pens. (Unless you become a journalist or a parish councillor instead)

Nine -   You might maintain a healthy distance from yourself, avoid self-analysis, self-absorption. (You might even get out more)

Ten -    You might end up a nice sun-kissed colour without a chair-shaped arse and RSI (unless your day job is in IT)


SJS :)

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

10 differences between UK frogs & toads... (that I know from being an amphibian nerd)

And everyone needs to know this:

1 - Toads walk whilst frogs jump

2 - Frogs lay spawn clumps in the shallows; toads lay strings in the deep water around weed

3 - Toad tadpoles are black with shorter tails, frogpoles are lighter, bigger, speckly, shy

4 - Frogs have a black 'eye patch' and have spots or stripes (like pool balls)

5 - Toads are nobbly, lumpy-looking things and are dull brown in colour

6 - Frogs have more pointy faces whilst toads have a more rounded smile :)

7 - Frogs usually live in or near the pond whilst toads wander off, living up to maybe a mile away

8 - Frogs & toads return to their birth pond to breed but the toads are covering great distances!

9 - Male toads squeak when other males mount them, meaning "get the fuck off me, I'm straight"

10 - Sometimes fish get caught in the fray as this video shows. Fish don't squeak and this is their downfall...


SJS :)