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Friday, 23 May 2014

Beautiful cat :)

If Ii put an image with my post then I can stick it on Pinterest too!

So here is Balooga-Baloo


  1. Hi got behind but have just caught up... now up to date with all the goings on and its fabulous! You are doing such a great job of this book writing live Sara... I can only imagine the hard work and pressure you put on yourself to keep the regular installments flowing ! I love and appreciate your writing style, humour, detail, technique and imagination ! I am looking forward to the next read...keep up the good work !

    1. Sorry for the massive delay in replying! I'm behind on everything, as usual, as the book draws closer to its conclusion... Another few weeks and I'll be free!! (Briefly). Thanks loads for these comments, Zeem. I really do appreciate it! Let's hope everyone thinks the same as you do! :) xx
